Thu, Mar 06, 2025
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A Challenging Hike for a Great Cause
Things started out rocky when we almost didn't make it into the event. By waiting a little too long, the Peak Hike '99 up Mt. Washington filled to its 300 person capacity in a few short weeks. So after a little begging, a little pleading, and some more volunteering, we actually got ourselves into the event, ready to climb the Northeast's highest peak. We started VERY early on the morning of September 12. Over the course of pre-registration, Rob and Chris had volunteered to act as hike leaders, meaning we would each lead a group of hikers out from the Pinkham Notch Visitors' Center. From there, everyone would span out and we'd just be available to assist where needed along the trail. Unfortunately, this meant that we would have to be at the Visitors' Center at 6:00 AM!! Rob and Chris subscribe to the theory that if God wanted us up that early, he'd never had made us so lazy.
The first section of trail is pretty wide but rocky. After only a few hundred yards, the trail offers a gorgeous view of a waterfall off to the right. The Forest Service was nice enough to build some stairs and a medium sized observation platform to make viewing the falls easy. From there, the trail stays wide and rocky until it reaches the Hermit Lake Shelter at about 2.4 miles. The Hermit Lake Camp is a nicely maintained shelter that caters to hikers all year round, and can be reserved by contacting the AMC.
At the top of the headwall, things get a little easier to digest. There were unbelievable views from the top of the headwall, including Lion's Head and Hermit Lake. After a short rest here, the summit lies less than a mile away. But have no delusions, it's a tough mile. Thousands of years of granite have broken and scattered themselves around Washington's summit. The top of the headwall also marks the treeline, which leaves very little besides rocks to walk on. Some careful stepping took us to the summit, where we rested with about 500 people scampering about.
Basically, it's a sad scene at the summit of Mt. Washington. Commercialization, open access, development, and poor management has allowed this peak to deteriorate into the Toys R Us of every lazy moron in New England. People don't have to put any effort into getting to the top, so they don't care what it looks like, or if it's even clean any more. Mt. Washington is one of the few places where it really is still all about the journey. Standing at the summit with its acrid sulfur smoke from the Cog Railway, the speeding Mt. Washington Stage Vans, the motorcycle riders wheelieing up the final slope, and the hundreds of people who drove up the mountain in their family trucksters, and knowing that you walked up gives you a powerful sense of pride. Everyone else may be on the summit of the mountain with the world's record wind speed, but knowing that you walked those four or five exposed miles when they didn't makes it absolutely worth it. Next, we do it again . . . in winter!
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