Hike New Hampshire
Trips in NH

Difficulty Moderate as a dayhike
Difficult w/ a full pack
Length 11.95 miles round trip
Total Elevation Gain 4,289 feet
Trails Used Livermore Trail
Mt. Tripyramid Trail
Things to watch for

Please note that the real Livermore Trail begins on the Kankamagus Highway across form Lily Pond, not where the topos of the area indicate. The maps provided here show the true location of the trail.

Where the Livermore Trail cuts through Livermore pass, the trail can be very difficult to follow and extremely muddy. Be prepared for some slow going if the weather has recently been wet. If you're not careful, you will sink in mud up to your knees. Once the trail breaks through the pass, it eventually becomes an amazing old logging road. This happens right about where out camp symbol is on our map. The topos show this as well, although the one detailing our hike has the road obscured by the red trail I inked in.

You should have no trouble finding suitable camping spots along the road ... it looks to me like there used to be considerable car camping along it back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, before the area was made restricted. The spot that we found was absolutely amazing. A perfectly clear area, already well used (as evidenced by the huge fire ring and the two or three large metal pots and fire grates still left there. About 250 yds down the trail was a little stream with a big pool dammed up to refill our water bottles, and 3 apple trees that provided us with excellent dessert. In all my years and hundreds of miles, I can not remember a better camp.

The North Slide of Tripyramid is a long, open, completely exposed rock face that is partly covered with gravel and loose stone. It is a strenuous climb at best, in good conditions. It looks impossible if it is wet, icy, or overly windy. Be careful before you attempt this climb, and we recommend you leave the packs back at camp, and do the summits as a day hike. Like any exposed area at high elevation, extra care should be taken to stay away if there is even a hint of lightening.

Sights to watch for The views from the North Slide are spectacular. Walking along the old logging road, with the fall leaves changing colors was one of the best times I have ever had. The beginning, before Livermore Pass (or the end, since we cam out the same way we went in) takes you through some of the most beautiful meadows and birch trees I have seen up here in a while. This hike deserves an extra day so you can stop often and just look around. It's that spectacular.

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Copyright © 1999-2008
Chris Oberg & Robert Havasy