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IMPORTANT: All kidding aside. The Mountains can be a dangerous place if you wander around uninformed. Many people have died in New Hampshire because they didn't know what to expect. If you listen to nothing we say, then at least listen to the Appalachian Mountain Club. If you do not already own them, BUY ONE OF THESE BOOKS. The AMC White Mountain Guide (now the 28th edition) has been published continuously since 1907. It is THE source for information about all areas of the White Mountains. Do not think about leaving home for a even a dayhike without first consulting this Bible of the North Woods.
Buy the NEWEST version of the Hiking Bible
New 28th edition in 2007. This book provides decent maps (although procuring more detailed Topos is still recomended) and thorough descriptions of nearly every trail in all of the White Mountains, as well as others around the state. The trail descriptions are indispensible and the information is absolutely necessary for safe travel. The book includes sections on weather, camping, preparing for hikes, safety, and suggestions for easy and moderate hikes. Don't leave home without it.

New in May 1999! A New AMC Guide with information on all of the important places in southern New Hampshire including Monadnock, Pawtuckaway, and other great places.

If you want to be a truly educated hiker and protect the resources so that future generations will have access to clean, enjoyable places, read this book. PLEASE! We're begging you! It's less than $10.00. It's probably the best investment you can make in the future.

New in 2000!
A new guide for New Hampshire's newest trail. The Cohos trail is New Hampshire's longest and newest hiking trail. Stretching from the WMNF to the Canadian border, the trail offers a trip through some of the most scenic areas in the state. Check out this book before you head out and you'll be well prepared.
George Catlin is Pamela's Great Grandfather, so this book is worth checking out!